Want to make a difference by working in the healthcare field? Have you considered a career in nursing? Keep these questions in mind before you enroll in the nursing program at Broward Technical Colleges.

Are There Prerequisites I Need to Meet?

All students at our schools must have a secondary education or be past the age of compulsory attendance. You need to complete an orientation as well as an academic assessment.

There are also added criteria for students in our health science programs since many include clinical experience.

  • Must submit to a Level II criminal background check and drug screening test
  • May need to pass additional tests including a physical examination, TB test, and chest x-ray
  • May need to complete immunizations

How Long Does the Program Take to Complete?

Our Practical Nursing program is full-time and includes 1,350 hours. It takes approximately one year to complete.

There are other programs available as well. If you are looking for a position in the healthcare field outside of the nursing program, consider the following:

  • Patient care technician – 600 hours, approximately six months to complete (full-time)
  • Patient care assistant – 290 hours, approximately 10 weeks to complete (full-time)

Can I Become a Nurse Once I Finish?

The nursing program is just the first step on the way to your nursing career, although it sets you up for everything you need to succeed. After finishing, you’ll receive a certificate in accordance with State guidelines. Then, you can take the NCLEX-PN licensure examination. If you pass, you’ll receive a license from the Florida State Board of Nursing.

We encourage you to visit our nearest South Florida technical college to find out more about our nursing program. You can also easily reach out to our team online anytime or give us a call. Don’t wait – your nursing career is calling!