Broward Technical Colleges are accredited colleges, and accreditation is one of the best ways to measure an educational institution’s quality.

If you’re searching for accredited colleges near Fort Lauderdale, consider Broward Technical Colleges.  In fact, visit our nearest South Florida facility and see what we’re all about.  Walk the campus.  Sit in on a class that interests you.  Afterwards, talk with the professor or a few of the students and get their thoughts on Broward Technical Colleges.  We’re confident you’ll receive some great feedback.

Why are we so confident?  The short answer is “accreditation”.  Broward Technical Colleges are accredited colleges, and accreditation is one of the best ways to measure an educational institution’s quality.  Being accredited means that we’ve met the requirements set forth by accrediting and state licensure agencies whose job it is to assure students nationwide that we will provide a quality education and ensure that students get what they pay for.  We’re certified to offer instructional courses and programs that are exceptional in terms of coursework, career relevance, and professorial competence.  Our entire staff is dedicated to seeing you grow as a student and use the knowledge you accrue at Broward Technical Colleges to fashion a rewarding career for yourself.

If you’d like to be a car mechanic and are seeking reputable car repair certification in Miami, Broward Technical Colleges can offer you the program you need.  The Department of Labor states that a worker who’s certified in auto repair earns double the income of a worker who only completes high school.   Statistics like this matter to us, and we know they matter to you, which is why our Automotive Repair/Transportation Technology program was designed with one goal in mind:  to put you on the path to success.

This is just one example taken from the hundreds of certification programs Broward Technical Colleges offer – programs guaranteed to take you to the next level!