Broward Technical Colleges offers better prices than other schools in the area and we pride ourselves in offering affordable educational opportunities. However, we know that any educational costs can be daunting or intimidating for some students. Not to worry, Broward Technical Colleges is here to help!

We offer the tools you’ll need to file for Financial Aid.

Our schools believe the responsibility for financing education lies first with the student and their family but every school will do anything they can to assist so that students are never denied an education.

We do this by offering information and helpful tools to file for Federal Pell Grants,  Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), Vocational Rehabilitation (VR), Veterans Benefits (VA) and other scholarships to help you excel in your education.
Visit the Office of Student Financial Aid or from any one of our professional and helpful counselors. Let Broward Technical Colleges help you in your path to a better future!