At the Broward Technical Colleges, we know how important your education is to you. Whether you’re looking for a certificate in a specific trade for a better career and a better future, or you’re looking toward a long- term goal like a college degree, we want to help make your future brighter.

We’ve teamed up with Broward Technical Colleges to identify which of our programs align to help earn you transferable Associate of Science degree credits. The process is simple:

  • Graduate with a High School Diploma or earn a State of Florida High School Diploma
  • Enroll and complete a Career and Technical Education (CTE) program at Atlantic, McFatter or Sheridan Technical College
  • Earn an industry certification for additional college credits
  • Within two years of completing your technical program at Atlantic, McFatter, or Sheridan Technical College, contact a Career and Technical Advisor at Broward College or another Florida State College.
  • Enroll at Broward College or another Florida State College in the aligned CTE Associate of Science Degree program


And just like that, you may have transferable college credits to Broward College or another Florida state college at no additional cost to you. The only cost to you is the initial cost of completing a program at a Broward Technical College. The transferable credits will be awarded to you by Broward College or another Florida state college at no additional cost.  Save time and money and start today!